Monday, September 24, 2012

travelogue: macau

i started traveling late. it's not because i didn't want to travel. our family circumstance just didn't make traveling possible. traveling just wasn't in our family's vocabulary. it was only until i started working that traveling was introduced to me and it wasn't until i was 28 years old that i had the opportunity to travel outside my beloved philippines. like most filipinos who don't know and live in affluence, my first international travel destination was in neigboring asian cities - for budget reasons. in 2007, armed with our then green passports and a lot of bravado, a friend and i braved the cold streets of hong kong december of that year. in the course of our research, we learned that macau is just less than two hours by ferry. so, we had to go there! additionally, the korean comedy-drama series "princess hours" was such a hit in our country. in fact, the series just ended a few months back and one of its popular episodes was shot in macau, specifically at the chapel of st. francis xavier.
to check out line and i's travel adventure in macau, just click on the pictures below and it will direct you to my previous post entries:
my vetlongwalks mark at the senado square
the famous senado square and snapshots of macau on our first day
our accommodation in macau and princess hour's the chapel of st. francis xavier
lou kau mansion
ruins of st. paul, our last day

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